Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Best of 2009

These are a few of the best photos of '09. Kind of like winning a Dundie, not worth much more to others but priceless to us. :)

Just plain ol' playground fun...
The best preggo photo and the only of it's kind...taken the day before Papa 'went home' to be with our Heavenly Father...

Loosing this man makes this photo priceless. I miss him more everyday.

Fist day of school fun!

It's great to have a big sister who loves you...sometimes:)

My sexy man on throwback night. I am so lucky I was able to witness this in person.

Best matching outfit. Easter, Love it.

Most peaceful moment...without kids:

Most romantic moment, even with 8 other people.

Most peacefull moment... with kids:

Most memorable moment. 60 years of unconditional love.

Best meltdown during a school performance.

So there it is the best no matter how you slice it I just love our life and the fact we can document it like crazy. Heres to 2010. Hopefully with more scrapbooking all of these memories.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to ALL...

We are realizing more year after year that Christmas is all about the kids. They help you to better understand the meaning of 'The magic of Christmas'. It's amazing the sparkle in their smile and the twinkle they get in their eye when describing Christmas. Camryn gave me the biggest hug (the kind that melts your heart) and exclaimed, " this is the BEST Christmas ever mom, I love you. " Again I am reminded that she is wise beyond her years and she has the sweetest heart for a three year old, I am blessed to call her mine. Brady and Camryn are all snug in their bed...well our bed. Just waiting for Santa to fill our stockings. Hope that your Christmas is merry. Here are a few picks:

Kids playing with the new princess castle...thanks Aunt Sarah and Uncle Matt.

My love
Grammy and Grandpa with all of the babies... too cute.

Cousins: I can't help but wish for this couch to be full of little ones soon. More babies people!

The best Christmas gift: Avery Noelle.

Love to all.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Ready

Halls are decked around here. Baby A made a safe and exciting arrival on the Fourth and we are ready to celebrate. So much to be thankful for this holiday season, family, friends, health and simple things like getting back into a routine. Our little Avery Noelle below. We are just thrilled that she has come to join our family. Shortly before she was born Camryn, (who predicted her sex early on) told me she was an angel in heaven before she was to join our family. It's amazing what kids say and how they perceive life. I love it! I like to think that Papa who passed just one month before her arrival was taking the time to get to know her and sent her on her way just in time for the holidays. I hope they enjoyed their time together. I miss him more every day, I hope it gets easier. Camryn making a gingerbread house. Great mommy/daughter time. I am loving this age.
Yummy Christmas cookies. I love gingerbread!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Crafts Anyone?

Too long has past since my last post. But hey I've been busy. Painted the kids room apple green and the dining room a nice shade of gold, then we put an offer in on a house. We should find out by the end of the week if we got the house. So excited! I have had bursts of energy and I tackle a project with excitement...then I drag on for hours just so tired, tired of being pregnant.

Here is an oh so easy project I created:
I covered the binding of a generic note pad with paper scraps I had lying around and added a paper flower topped off with a rhinestone. Packaged it all up in cellophane bags with a cute pen to match. So easy and just the right amount of cute. I love how functional they are and how easy they were to assemble.

These are the labels I created in my label maker program (love it). I used them on Thanksgiving goodie bags for Camryn's class. Then I added a label to the back that stated what kind of cookies were included and allergy info.

Feeling pretty crafty lets hope I can get some things done between naps. :) Christmas cards are almost done, just waiting for baby A to take pictures.
Have a great day.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Monster Mash Halloween Party

For our family Halloween has become a very fun and exciting tradition. We host a party, eat M&M pancakes in the morning, pick out pumpkins at a 'real' pumpkin patch and we are known to have multiple costumes. :) Thankfully this year was no exception. Our Halloween party had a theme this year and it was Monster Mash. It was monster filled fun with a jumpy, Monsters Inc the movie, monster beach balls and around the house and yard and in the jumpy, monster goody bags, and cupcakes too. My little monsters.
Our little goody bags came from OTC (Oriental Trading Company) as a craft kit, and I assembled them and tucked loads of monster goodies inside. SO darn cute!!  Monster Suckers

Monster eggs filled with candy...

Monster mix. My recipe:
Yogurt covered raisins
Carmel corn
Chocolate teddy grahams
Candy corn
M & M's

Monster cupcakes
And finally Treat bags for school and dance class, just fill with candies and go. Supper easy for the mom supposed to be on bed rest. :)
Halloween was a good one this year hope you had a great one.

Link to some pretty cute Oriental Trading Company Monster Items:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Can you hear me now?

Spent a few hours (like 5) in the hospital over the weekend. Apparently, pre-term labor with baby A.   Everything is fine now; however, I did receive two steroid injections to help with developing the baby's lungs and a prescription to help stop labor. Fun! I feel totally drugged, and jittery and I kind of like a Yo Gabba Gabba Party has been playing in my head all night long... seriously all night, with soundtrack too. More gratitude for our many blessings. This little guy went through the same issues as baby A. Just a little anxious to enter the world. At 26 weeks I was put on full bed rest with a host of meds and steroids to develop his lungs...it worked he is now a two-year-old Hulk. :) He battled jaundice, that was old hat. We totally knew what to do and weren't worried too much. His levels rose to around 20 but tapered off rapidly. But we did have our concerns when he FAILED his hearing test. He failed it a number of times in the hospital and then again at the hearing clinic. We prepared ourselves for the chance that we may need a lot of help from doctors to determine how we could help him thrive and progress developmentally and not fall behind if he were indeed deaf. Tons of doctors' appointments, and specialists. At six months he still had no startle reaction. Most babies are born with this reaction, they jump when someone slams the door or turn when their name is called, or a loud noise is heard from behind them. He had nothing. As the months went on, we were told to stimulate his hearing with musical toys. I think we went out and purchased every annoying music blinky toy there was to be had. We were told to find his favorite and keep it with him all of the time. As his words started to come, we were reassured. He is now a VERY talkative little two-year-old. We are so blessed! I look back and laugh because his issues are soooo his personality! He is energetic and full of life; he is all boy and keeps us on our toes. But better yet I couldn't imagine life without him. He is the best little brother, and he is going to be the most wonderful BIG brother ever. He is still sleeping, so I'm outta here. Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jellybeans and Tutus

With baby three fast approaching arrival things have been a little hectic. Camryn is loving her dance class and her teacher has recommended she move to a group with older girls. We were told that she is so focused for being so 'little'. Preschool is in full swing with picture day and fundraisers right around the corner. Brady cries daily as we drop off 'sissy', he so badly wants to be a BIG boy. In April he will start at the same school. I can't believe how fast they grow. My little guy is talking like crazy and I rarely have to wonder if he comes by it naturally. Camryn's teacher was commenting on how Brady says "Yes" rather that "ya" like so many kids. What a compliment!

So you may have wonder where the Jellybeans and Tutus came from. Well, my Lovin' Life blog fell out of blogland and I neglected to back it up so everything was lost. I needed to create a new blog with a new name. My kids are my inspiration for just about everything I do so: Jellybeans, well Brady is a huge fan. A fan of parties (where Jellybeans are great favors and treats) and a huge fan of Jellybeans in general (Jelly bellies actually). Then Tutus: Camryn is, needless to say, a big fan of everything girly. Bows, princess, dress up and YES Tutus. So there you have it that is how Jellybeans and Tutus was born.
Brady's on a playdate while Cam is at school.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We've got spirit yes we do!!!!

It's been a very spirited weekend around our house with a Friday night football game and a Saturday morning Cheer clinic. We were so excited to have C participate in the cheer clinic seeing as it was for kids 5 and up. And well if you didn't know, she is 3! We never had any doubts that she could do it. After all, she has been taking dance and there is interest in her joining the performance group. We figured this would just be a fun weeked activity. All of the Varsity Cheerleaders were smitten and C was just as thrilled. When they were wrapping up the day and announcing the spirit stick winners, Scott and I just scoffed until they called Cam's name as winner of the Spirit Stick for the dance. How appropriate we thought because earlier this morning she was NOT into cheering and exclaimed " I only want to do the dance moves that we practice at dance".

With a little bribing on my part (It went something like this: "If you don't go out there and try, you will not be doing performance group at your dance studio.") She looked teriffied and had an AMAZING time the rest of the day.

Now if I could only get Hannah Montana "Ice Cream Freeze" out of my mind.
"Shake it down low"

My Friday Night Lights...

Friday, September 18, 2009

60 Year Celebration

Sixty years ago, last March marked the anniversary of my grandparents' wedding. As I organized their little celebration, I couldn't help but recognize what great role-models they have been for a happy marriage. Yes, they bicker and argue, mainly because of taunts from my feisty German grandmother, however she will be the first one to shed light on their undying love for one another. As a newlywed myself she explained to me that this partnership will be work, it will take compromise and sacrifice to withstand the test of time. She shares stories of their very quick courtship, enduring though the war, understanding the male ego and then protecting his ego, the butterflies one feels and bells you hear when being swept off your feet and Christmas stories from long ago. The financial struggles and decisions made together; like a husband who takes a second job to pay for a new toaster or make it possible to be a stay at home mom in any economy. I realize now that this marriage has created a great foundation to the person and wife I have become. I watch now, only six months after their celebration, as my grandmother has taken on the responsibility to be my grandfathers support system as he slowly fades away. It brings tears to my eyes as I watch her feed him, help him in and out of a wheelchair, and administer medications. With sixty years of marriage also comes respect. I see that she wants to maintain HIS dignity. I know it's hard to watch your soul mate, your one true love slip away; but it is another thing to give them everything thing you have to maintain their dignity and pride. I realize now! How could you NOT? This is the one person who would move heaven and earth for you, the person who worked a fought so you didn't have to and the person who made you a wife and mother. What greater blessing then marriage? Celebrate!

Next Project: My mom turns 60 in December ;). About 40 weeks after this kiss...I love it!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Celebrating School

It's that time of year again and many of us are getting ready for school and some are in full swing. My hubby will be starting next Wednesday and for the little one on the 8th. We are in full panic mode, I have been mass shopping at Costco, color organizing of the closets, dry cleaning out just waiting for it to be returned (on my personal hangers no less. Don't you HATE wire hangers? This is a must!) and lining up all of the back to school goodies. Pens, paper, markers oh my! I love this time of year, as hot as it may be, it is refreshing to get back into the swing of things.
Saw the photos above posted ??? for a crayon theme birthday. How cute would it be to host a Back to School party? I love the idea of melting crayon remnants (you know you have them) to create a tie-dye looking crayon disk. LOVE IT and in our house , with B being a crayon eater this would be the perfect solution for all of those broken crayons.
Happy end of summer. Oh and dance starts Wednesday...more tutus coming soon;)

Friday, August 7, 2009


Life since May has been hectic to say the least. We are expecting a number of changes and I am beginning to think we are just plain crazy.

After a very looong search for the perfect house we have given up hope and decided to create our dream house right where we sit. Meaning we are adding on. Well, that seems like an understatement when we will be adding a 400 sq. ft. den downstairs, and for the new 'upstairs' there will be three bedrooms and two bathrooms. We are essentially doubling our square footage and hopefully gaining lots of sanity. We'll see.

Along with a remodel we have lost both of our avocado trees and stand to loose half of our backyard. To me this is heartbreaking because the trees were over 100 years old and I have played in this yard for going on 30 years now. I am coming to realize that change is good but also change is hard. I do have to add that we will be replacing our old trees with new ones. ( Tree huggers please no comments)

Finally we are expecting a wonderful new addition to our family. Yep you guessed it I am pregnant yet again. At 20 weeks now I am feeling a little more alive and trying to get back in the swing of things. I am just hoping that the next 15 to 20 weeks go smoothly.

It may have seemed that I had completely fell out of blog land and in someways I did. I was out of touch for so long. Just remember, it's summer too. Here are a few cute reads if you are getting board:

Ali Edwards
Polkadots and Pirates (has an etsy store too)
Creative Parties and Showers

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

4th of July Big Top Birthday

The day B was born I remember crying all the way to the hospital because we would indeed have another holiday baby and I was certain he was destin for a lifetime of horrible birthdays. Boy was I WRONG! This year it hit me, "this is probably one of the coolest birthdays EVER"! I had so much fun planning and celebrating with our Big Top Birthday for our little monkey, and yes we topped off the night with an amazing display of fireworks. Here are a few of my favorite photos from the day: Adult favors: The'twins': crazy how much they look alike.
Train rides
Kids favors: which included crazy straws, ring pops, animal cookies, monkey stickers and little toys, red, white and blue rope candy, suckers, candy necklaces....and carnival like stuff.
Napkin wraps that were done months in advance. We enjoyed typical carnival food: hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, frut, nachos and chili, we even had popcorn and cotton candy. Yummm.
This is one of the most fun parties for kids and adults and I really am looking forward to planning another carnival party down the road. Hopefully when I am not pregnant and feeling 100%.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pixies and Pirates

OK truth be told my productivity has wained a little and I am way behind in a number of projects. Here is the final result of that jumbled mess I showed you in the last post. The invites to our Pixie and Pirate party. Friends, they will be in the mail shortly. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

I Caved!

Okay anyone who knows me well knows that I'm not a big fan of total commercialization. Don't get me wrong, I love Disney. Their cartoons, movies, and the 'happy place' are great, but you wouldn't see me buying Ariel bedding or Handy Manny birthday stuff. Or so I thought. I used to cringe at all of the princess stuff too until 'it' happened. The look of sheer joy on my daughter's face in regard to everything princess. So, when we stopped off at Party City (a treat after a doctor's appointment) for what I thought would be a quick stop to pick up these funny pink fairy plates for her school party, I stood in awe. It went something like this: 

Me: hey Cam we're going to get plates with a pink fairy on them for your school birthday. Cam: Yea! A party for me. 
Me: Yes, but it won't be for a while. Like a month! 
Cam: And I will have a CAKE. 
Me: Yes, but not today and we are only getting your plates. I veer away from the girly princess aisle (you know the one) and head straight for the pink fairy. We have no idea who it is, but I think it's a Sesame Street thing. So here we go... 
Me: Here Cam, how is this for your school party? 
Cam: (With a look of total disgust) Not good. (Totally calm and not interested she looks up at me.) 
Cam: Where's Tinkerbell fairy? 

 So here it is I caved, big time. This non-specific fairy party is now a Tinkerbell party and yes, Captain Hook accents for the boys.  The things we do for our kids. 

More to come on what this mess is turned into. 

And since I still have a say in what she wears to ballet: a rainbow tutu and baby legs.
I told her to pose with her new glasses. She really is a star. I think next year she is confined to black leotard and pink tights. But until then, this is what I do...
Okay. B is reading the Bible so he'll either be asleep soon or crying, I should check on him. Happy weekend.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Since I've been talking so much about my love of planning the perfect party and how pleased I am with the end result I'm flashing back to almost 4 years ago. My wedding, my perfect day. I added so many little details, I stressed and worried and had everything planned to the half hour. Remarkably everything was perfect....except for the RED Roses in the 'salon' . Did I mention everything was to be WHITE.

I hand painted champagne glasses for the favors and used them as name place settings (about 200). Yes I am crazy!

By bouquet was about 500 little stephanotis flowers and each of them had a little pearl or rhinestone in the center. Crazy difficult for the florist but this is one of my all time favorites.

I had the isle lined with white and cream rose petals and each chair was adorned with a cream satin bow and white hydrangea flower bouquet. notice the chivari chairs.

I was worried there wouldn't be enough flowers so I went to the flower district and bought more white roses the day before the wedding. Again; crazy, I know. I also did the candles...they are sitting on little clear crystals in the cylinders and more cream satin bows.


More to come.