Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Best of 2009

These are a few of the best photos of '09. Kind of like winning a Dundie, not worth much more to others but priceless to us. :)

Just plain ol' playground fun...
The best preggo photo and the only of it's kind...taken the day before Papa 'went home' to be with our Heavenly Father...

Loosing this man makes this photo priceless. I miss him more everyday.

Fist day of school fun!

It's great to have a big sister who loves you...sometimes:)

My sexy man on throwback night. I am so lucky I was able to witness this in person.

Best matching outfit. Easter, Love it.

Most peaceful moment...without kids:

Most romantic moment, even with 8 other people.

Most peacefull moment... with kids:

Most memorable moment. 60 years of unconditional love.

Best meltdown during a school performance.

So there it is the best no matter how you slice it I just love our life and the fact we can document it like crazy. Heres to 2010. Hopefully with more scrapbooking all of these memories.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to ALL...

We are realizing more year after year that Christmas is all about the kids. They help you to better understand the meaning of 'The magic of Christmas'. It's amazing the sparkle in their smile and the twinkle they get in their eye when describing Christmas. Camryn gave me the biggest hug (the kind that melts your heart) and exclaimed, " this is the BEST Christmas ever mom, I love you. " Again I am reminded that she is wise beyond her years and she has the sweetest heart for a three year old, I am blessed to call her mine. Brady and Camryn are all snug in their bed...well our bed. Just waiting for Santa to fill our stockings. Hope that your Christmas is merry. Here are a few picks:

Kids playing with the new princess castle...thanks Aunt Sarah and Uncle Matt.

My love
Grammy and Grandpa with all of the babies... too cute.

Cousins: I can't help but wish for this couch to be full of little ones soon. More babies people!

The best Christmas gift: Avery Noelle.

Love to all.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Ready

Halls are decked around here. Baby A made a safe and exciting arrival on the Fourth and we are ready to celebrate. So much to be thankful for this holiday season, family, friends, health and simple things like getting back into a routine. Our little Avery Noelle below. We are just thrilled that she has come to join our family. Shortly before she was born Camryn, (who predicted her sex early on) told me she was an angel in heaven before she was to join our family. It's amazing what kids say and how they perceive life. I love it! I like to think that Papa who passed just one month before her arrival was taking the time to get to know her and sent her on her way just in time for the holidays. I hope they enjoyed their time together. I miss him more every day, I hope it gets easier. Camryn making a gingerbread house. Great mommy/daughter time. I am loving this age.
Yummy Christmas cookies. I love gingerbread!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Crafts Anyone?

Too long has past since my last post. But hey I've been busy. Painted the kids room apple green and the dining room a nice shade of gold, then we put an offer in on a house. We should find out by the end of the week if we got the house. So excited! I have had bursts of energy and I tackle a project with excitement...then I drag on for hours just so tired, tired of being pregnant.

Here is an oh so easy project I created:
I covered the binding of a generic note pad with paper scraps I had lying around and added a paper flower topped off with a rhinestone. Packaged it all up in cellophane bags with a cute pen to match. So easy and just the right amount of cute. I love how functional they are and how easy they were to assemble.

These are the labels I created in my label maker program (love it). I used them on Thanksgiving goodie bags for Camryn's class. Then I added a label to the back that stated what kind of cookies were included and allergy info.

Feeling pretty crafty lets hope I can get some things done between naps. :) Christmas cards are almost done, just waiting for baby A to take pictures.
Have a great day.