Friday, October 9, 2009

Can you hear me now?

Spent a few hours (like 5) in the hospital over the weekend. Apparently, pre-term labor with baby A.   Everything is fine now; however, I did receive two steroid injections to help with developing the baby's lungs and a prescription to help stop labor. Fun! I feel totally drugged, and jittery and I kind of like a Yo Gabba Gabba Party has been playing in my head all night long... seriously all night, with soundtrack too. More gratitude for our many blessings. This little guy went through the same issues as baby A. Just a little anxious to enter the world. At 26 weeks I was put on full bed rest with a host of meds and steroids to develop his worked he is now a two-year-old Hulk. :) He battled jaundice, that was old hat. We totally knew what to do and weren't worried too much. His levels rose to around 20 but tapered off rapidly. But we did have our concerns when he FAILED his hearing test. He failed it a number of times in the hospital and then again at the hearing clinic. We prepared ourselves for the chance that we may need a lot of help from doctors to determine how we could help him thrive and progress developmentally and not fall behind if he were indeed deaf. Tons of doctors' appointments, and specialists. At six months he still had no startle reaction. Most babies are born with this reaction, they jump when someone slams the door or turn when their name is called, or a loud noise is heard from behind them. He had nothing. As the months went on, we were told to stimulate his hearing with musical toys. I think we went out and purchased every annoying music blinky toy there was to be had. We were told to find his favorite and keep it with him all of the time. As his words started to come, we were reassured. He is now a VERY talkative little two-year-old. We are so blessed! I look back and laugh because his issues are soooo his personality! He is energetic and full of life; he is all boy and keeps us on our toes. But better yet I couldn't imagine life without him. He is the best little brother, and he is going to be the most wonderful BIG brother ever. He is still sleeping, so I'm outta here. Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jellybeans and Tutus

With baby three fast approaching arrival things have been a little hectic. Camryn is loving her dance class and her teacher has recommended she move to a group with older girls. We were told that she is so focused for being so 'little'. Preschool is in full swing with picture day and fundraisers right around the corner. Brady cries daily as we drop off 'sissy', he so badly wants to be a BIG boy. In April he will start at the same school. I can't believe how fast they grow. My little guy is talking like crazy and I rarely have to wonder if he comes by it naturally. Camryn's teacher was commenting on how Brady says "Yes" rather that "ya" like so many kids. What a compliment!

So you may have wonder where the Jellybeans and Tutus came from. Well, my Lovin' Life blog fell out of blogland and I neglected to back it up so everything was lost. I needed to create a new blog with a new name. My kids are my inspiration for just about everything I do so: Jellybeans, well Brady is a huge fan. A fan of parties (where Jellybeans are great favors and treats) and a huge fan of Jellybeans in general (Jelly bellies actually). Then Tutus: Camryn is, needless to say, a big fan of everything girly. Bows, princess, dress up and YES Tutus. So there you have it that is how Jellybeans and Tutus was born.
Brady's on a playdate while Cam is at school.